I only wish that I would have taken the time to document the Little Delights when they first entered my home. Since that time, they have at least doubled in size. Still, they are so delightful that I cannot resist sharing them.

Adorable, no? This is actually the "Don't eat me you bizarre tormenter" face, times two.

Did you know?
Did you know that the brown baby bunny on the right was not always a lop? That's right. It is only recently that the lopness revealed itself. For more information, look it up online.
And now, a special treat. I have persuaded (bribed with apples) the bunnies to answer a couple of guest questions, since it is such a special treat to have the baby perspective available to us.
Q: Babies, why doesn't my rabbit like to be held? I really want to pet and play with her more, but she gets upset every time I pick her up.
Gray Baby: Fool! Do you think we don't know that you're a rabbit eater? Your freakishly large limbs and lack of ears give you away immediately! Stay away! Don't touch us!
Q: Hi baby bunnies. Is there any special treat that I can give my rabbit that won't upset his stomach but that he'll like as much as bananas?
Brown Baby: Aha! Trying to find out what rabbits can't resist, so you can add POISON TO IT AND KILL US!!! You just want to eat us!!!!! RUN!!! RUN GRAY!!!!
I am now going to end the question and answer session, because it is clear that the babies require a bit more socialization. To that end, please notify me immediately if you have any desire to pet and/or play with two adorable babies.
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