Since I’m on the subject, I will say that I have been very troubled by the plight of the camel. As it turns out, camels have very good reasons to be so angry all of the time. For one thing, they are considered to be “beasts of burden.” The phrase alone communicates everything that needs to be said. For another thing, someone apparently thought it was a good idea to name a horrific solpugid a “camel spider.” This is most unfortunate, as not only is this creature frightful to behold, but it is neither related to camels nor is it a spider. It is more closely related to a scorpion… Many urban legends have taken off in relation to these creatures, and the poor camel suffers by association.
In other thoughts, I will say that I adore orchids. Someday I will have to write more about my fascination with them, and why I believe them to be some of the most interesting plants alive. For now I will just say that I adore them, a thought which was inspired by the beautiful bouquet on the table in front of me – a gift from an anonymous source. I have my suspicions as to the identity… Actually, I have more than suspicions.
Random thought number three: How old are the Larabars in my jar? I’m a bit concerned, now that I’ve noticed it. For some reason, I initially adored the gingersnap flavor, but then developed a dislike for it. Unfortunately, that dislike came about after I had already ordered an entire box of the bars. I’m pretty sure that they’ve been in that jar for quite a length of time. Hmmm. Do those sorts of things go bad? They are individually packaged…
And on to the next thought, which centers around pancakes. The thought is this: I love coconut pancakes. I like them with lots of butter, and with raspberry syrup. Heaven on a plate, really.
As you might have guessed, I should pretty much be banned from writing at this point. I’m “done for,” so to speak. I’m tired, I’ve been out late, I should sleep. I should not be writing. So I’ll stop here. Instead, I'll offer up this terrible, terrible photo. If you're interested, it's received lots of press on the internet. Much debate and "to-do" over the "scam" factor, etc. There you go. A little project for you. Good to stay busy, you know...

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